Monday, January 7, 2013

Shane & Shane

I woke up to this Shane & Shane song today. It's been in my head all morning, I love it!

Shane & Shane is my favorite music to listen to at most any time of day. The lyrics bring my heart to worship, as honest, true cries of the heart.

The song below really helped me through a time in my life where God wanted me simply to wait on Him,
not wait on my circumstances. It played on my ipod on a run one time (it must have been a song given to me 'cus I didn't recognize it) and this lyric stuck out, "Lord I know you've changed my mind, you will change my heart in time." I was experiencing the fact that it's easy, sometimes, to change our mind about something that we've been hoping in and disappointed by, but changing one's heart is not as easy. The Spirit is the one that moves in our heart and it tends to be a longer process than we'd like!

I remember when I first heard about this song below, I thought it was crazy to have a song about "the devil singing over me." I listened to it, and now really like it. The Father of lies accuses us and twists truth that is so easy to believe. Many times he tells us the reality of who we are, but he chooses not to tell us the reality of WHOSE we are and that Jesus SAVED us! This song always makes me think about the lies I believe, where I am tempted to stay stuck, and the freedom that Jesus brings!

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